
Introducing GRS brilliancy-type “vibrant”

A new quality concept introduced to GRS gemstone reports – GRS brilliancy-type “vibrant”

GRS introduces a new quality concept in the form of brilliancy awards for stones perfectly cut and with excellent clarity, very low degree of extinction and even color distribution.

The best spinels from Mansin and Namya (Burma) or Paraiba-type tourmalines from Brazil or Mozambique are traditionally known to possess such attributes and hence have often been described by GRS with terms such as “vibrant red” or “vibrant greenish blue”.

GRS is expanding this quality focused concept to all gemstone varieties. The “vibrant” concept has long been over-looked and can be applied to any gemstone regardless of its type, origin or color saturation level.

Reports of stones given the GRS brilliancy-type “vibrant” designation will issued with an appendix as follows:

Sample of GRS report with GRS brilliancy-type "vibrant" appendix.
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